The Why of Hentai | 変態


Hentai is the western label given to anime pornography and is derived from the Japanese word for “perverted.” Hentai has been reported to be one of the most searched terms globally on Pornhub for four consecutive years since 2017.

Hentai scenes take place in magical settings, letting you get transported away to a world you thought was only possible in dreams. Hentai videos commonly portray sexuality that is not possible in human pornography without computer graphics. Hentai videos often feature fantasy creatures with inhuman-sized genitals having intercourse with human-looking characters .

How can someone find a drawing sexy? 

The answer is regression. Regression is a process that occurs when a human being revisits an earlier stage of development and behaves accordingly. Anger and frustration can be difficult emotions for everyone to understand and manage. Tales talk to children. They guide and assist them in coming to grips with issues from real, everyday life.

Can hentai provide adults with assistance?

Can someone who has no childhood become a grown-up?

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Közzétéve: Company for the Lonely

A világra szenzitív emberként valamint a Szegedi Tudományegyetem végzős pszichológia alapszakos hallgatójaként, az egyént és a társadalmat leginkább meghatározó jelenségeket vizsgálom szenvedélyesen, a pszichológiát, a filozófiát, a szexualitást és a vallást.
