Philosophy of Swinging


The Red Ghost

I often ask myself: Am I pretty enough? Am I sexy enough for anyone else to want me? What if my husband finds other women more attractive than me? I do not know what to expect.

What is swinging?

A lifestyle?

A social gathering?

An opportunity to engage in sexual activity?

Ethical non-monogamy?

A tool against the jealousy trap?

A chance for lonely people to join a community?

A private society or a world without privacy?

A confidence builder?

A way to get rid of personas?

The beauty of self-forgetfulness?

Mingling with the crowd?

Diffusion of responsibility?

Barbarians at the gate?

The lonely crowd?

The illusion of power and omnipotence?

Inverted reality?

The red ghost of the Anybodies?

An epic of the Nobodies?

Or a chance for them to become the Anybodies?

What is swinging?

All smallness desperately dissolves in a crowd. 

Watch and Listen:

Közzétéve: Company for the Lonely

A világra szenzitív emberként valamint a Szegedi Tudományegyetem végzős pszichológia alapszakos hallgatójaként, az egyént és a társadalmat leginkább meghatározó jelenségeket vizsgálom szenvedélyesen, a pszichológiát, a filozófiát, a szexualitást és a vallást.
